
Here is where you can find all of my homeschool resources that we use in our home. Everything here are things that I personally use and love/recommend. Whether that be books, helpful podcasts, curriculum, or free resources I find helpful. Homeschooling does not have to be something that is overwhelming, but rather a journey of learning along side your child(ren). I hope that you find these resources helpful, and they bring ease to your homeschool journey. Keep going and doing great things for your family, every day counts!

Toddler’s Can Read

This is one of my favorite homeschool resources that I use to teach my kids how to read. Teaching my kids to read is one of my primary focuses in the early stages of homeschool. When they learn how to read first, they become very excited for the rest of the learning to come. They become more independent and engaged in their own education. Toddler’s Can Read courses, books, and other resources has made teaching my children to read a breeze, and took away so many potential pain points I could have had without it. You can find Toddler’s Can Read website here.

You can use my code: HISWILLOURHOME to save you 10% on your orders. In the link above it should automatically reflect the discount, but if not you can type it in manually.

If you give Toddler’s Can Read a try, let me know how you liked it, and how it helped you and your child. I would love to hear from you!

Treehouse Schoolhouse

Treehouse Schoolhouse Website Photo
Photo is from the Treehouse Schoolhouse website, it is not mine.

I really love Schoolhouse Treehouse for their nature studies. My kids really enjoy them as well. As a family we go on a LOT of nature walks, and it is always so much fun when we’ve gone over something before hand and they find things they’ve learned out in nature (and vice versa). They have free resources, a blog, and just a ton of other good stuff to check out on their site. You can find Treehouse Schoolhouse website here.

You can use my code: HISWILLOURHOME to save you 10% on your orders. In the link above it should automatically reflect the discount, but if not you can type it in manually.

If you give Treehouse Schoolhouse a try, let me know how you and your child(ren) liked it. I would love to hear from you!

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Some of my favorite Homeschool Podcasts

Not all of these podcasts are strictly homeschool, but offer homeschool components that I really enjoy!

The 1000 Hours Outside Podcast

The 1000 Hours Outside Podcast has a ton of homeschool resources within the show. They have some amazing guests and provide a lot of wonderful homeschool insight. They also have an app for those who would like to track their time outside. They also have curriculum on their website! Their mission is to get kids 1000 hours outside per year, and less time on screens. Our family has been doing the 1000 hours outside since my oldest was 3, and it has been such a wonderful blessing for our family. I highly encourage all parents whether you homeschool or not, to try to be outside as much as possible!

The Homegrown Podcast

I absolutely love The Homegrown Podcast. It’s not solely homeschooling, but they are homeschool parents, and have homeschool guests/episodes. They also have homeschool curriculum on their website. They teach parents about real food, and they have real food activity workbooks for kids. This podcast I feel is very well rounded, and hits on a small variety of important topics. I found this podcast after 5 years of being in what they call “a real food journey” and for once I felt like I was not alone. I found the podcast pre having Instagram (because we all know I’m not big on social media) and it felt like I kind of found my people. If you are looking to teach yourself or your kids about real food, this is a great podcast for you!

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